Psychology of Music: How to Tune Yourself to a Certain Mood Using Different Genres

From ancient drum beats to modern streaming services, music plays an important role in human society and experience. And while the psychology of music could be a profound discipline, researchers have figured out some mood-boosting therapeutic benefits of music.

Music has the potential to induce different emotional states. As such, people can listen to music with the intent to attain self-awareness or regulate mood. In fact, a carefully selected playlist can create a huge effect on your brain functions and mood. We think you’ll get higher results on jewels world when you take control and use music psychology according to your benefit.

Here, we explore the psychology of music and how you can create certain moods using music.

Music Genres Induce Different Emotional States
When listening to songs, we regularly experience different emotions that may manifest in various stages. However, specific genres will not alter your psychology or mood simply because they’re considered depressing or uplifting. Multiple factors influence your emotions and perception. A recent study discovered clear connections between how people approach music psychology and the various ways psychology can be leveraged to boost happiness and alleviate sadness.

Notably, sad music isn’t a ‘downer’ by itself. Instead, music and psychology experts agree that sad genres offers catharsis to people already experiencing sadness. By getting into bit with the emotions causing pain, it becomes easier to process the feelings.

Use Music Psychology to Create the Right Mood
Music can be stressful if it’s not your type and you don’t like it. It’s quite hard to listen to a genre you don’t like, and it will have strong effects on your psychology and emotions. But when a tune evokes positive emotions, you’re synced with the tune, which can make a significant difference.

You can use royalty free music to make the desired atmosphere and set the suitable mood for any occasion. Different genres affect your psychology differently, and it is your job to choose what you want to experience.

Relaxed Mood
Royalty free music can be the perfect remedy when you are dealing with stress. Researchers have even experimented with music genres that may help your nervous system relax within the shortest period. They used various mixes of durations, frequencies, and amplitudes of the tracks to determine what kind of music would facilitate participants calm down and relax. The study used multiple combinations of frequencies, durations, and amplitudes to pinpoint which genres have a calming effect.

Relaxing tunes tend to decrease the cortisol levels in your system, therefore, inducing a relaxing effect.

Higher Concentration
With all the hassles in life, many of us are struggling with chronic procrastination –especially when you can’t shake off that weekend mood. Similarly, psychology students find it hard to switch back to ‘study mode’ after the holidays. Typically, the psychology of overcoming this challenge needs more than a dose of motivation.

Surprisingly and the most interesting thing is that peak brain activity happens when sounds die away, and a relaxed mind instantly starts working. Also, research shows that listening to Baroque tunes helps you master the unwavering concentration required to process complex data and concepts.

Get Into a Happy Mood
Dopamine is a body hormone responsible for making you feel happy and satisfied. According to psychology studies, listening to your favorite tune stimulates the brain areas that foster pleasure. Music will have the same euphoric impact as eating junk food, sweets, and speaking with your loved ones.

According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology those who listen to upbeat music genres can experience improved moods and boost levels of happiness in as little as two weeks. When you are occupied with this activity, an increased blood flow in your brain activates areas responsible for emotions, arousal, and motivation.

Grieve When Feeling Sad
Contrary to common belief, listening to sad genres will induce positive emotional states essential for dealing with issues in life. Typically, when you are immersed in a sad track, you sync yourself with the artist, thus letting emotions flow through the body. As a result, you channel your negative emotions outward.

Nevertheless, your body rarely reacts to such tunes as it would when you’re facing a stressful situation in real.

Music affects people at a personal level. When utilized in the right way and with clear intent, it can help you to express different emotions. Once you understand how music affects your psychology, you can start using music for mental conditioning, and you’ll be surprised to discover how fast your mood and performance improve. Beatoven would be of great help in finding the music for you! What’s your experience with the use of music psychology to create certain moods.