Free Music Archive – Free to Download and Royalty Free Music

Whether you are a Youtuber who makes and posts innovative videos on Youtube for a living or just a social media user who has developed a hobby of creating videos for entertainment, you must know that adding music to your videos is one of the most important factors in making them more engaging and interesting. However, if you use copyrighted music for your videos it may lead to our videos being cut or taken down as you are not allowed to use the music without obtaining permission from the rightful owners. The process for obtaining the license to use copyrighted music is quite lengthy and expensive which is not a convenient choice for new creators. This is why royalty free music which is free to use is preferred by many. Such free music is available on many websites from where you can choose the suitable music for your videos. Free Music Archive is one such portal where you can discover and download free music for your videos.

What is Free Music Archive?

Free Music Archive or FMA is a site which was founded in 2009 offers free access to open licensed and original music which allows creators to choose from a wide range of music to add in the background of their videos. You can easily download, share and remix music on this portal and use it for your podcasts, videos, short films, games and streams. FMA is pre-cleared for certain types of uses of music which are not otherwise allowed by the copyright laws. This is why using FMA for adding music to your videos is recommended as it will keep your videos protected against any copyright issues and make sure that you keep creating innovative and amazing videos without having to worry about the legal troubles.

Free Music Download for your Videos

Another feature offered is the free download of music. Whether you are a music artist, content creator, or Youtuber, this platform offers various genres of free to use music to best suit your videos. Once you go on this platform, you get a freedom to select and download the music of your choice without having to pay any charges. This music can be stored on your device and then used in your videos to make them more engaging and innovative. By allowing you a free music download for your videos, this platform gives you the ability to create videos with the right feel that will make the right connection with the audience. There are many other platforms as well that offer such a free download feature for the royalty free music. One such platform is Beatoven music AI which is also considered to be one of the best music creator tools and royalty free music websites.

How Music can be Useful to you in Videos?

As we have already discussed, adding the right background music that matches the feel of your video will take the video to the next level and help you to connect more to the audience which will give your video a wider reach. No one likes to watch a silent video, so no matter what talent you are showcasing in the video, putting some background music will keep the audience engaged and prevent them from losing interest. For example, if you are showing off a magic trick, putting on slow mysterious music will help to create the right feel and make the whole experience more realistic for your audience.

How is Useful in finding Free Music?

Beatoven is a toolhelps creators to explore various genres of royalty free music and gives them a platform to create their own original soundtracks using AI technology. By using the user-friendly interface and customisation panel on this platform you can select suitable music for your videos and add that music to the video by editing it like a professional to make your videos more creative, engaging and interesting to watch.