How to Copyright your Music and Compositions as an Artist?
Protecting your music and compositions from getting stolen is extremely important to maintain your rights over your creation. This keeps others from using your art in their name. As such acts are common in the music industry, all musicians and composers should copyright their music and compositions. Following are the steps in the process of copyrighting your creation:
Filing the Application
The first step in copyrighting your music is to register for copyright by applying online through a portal to the copyright attorney. This application will have the features of the copyright and the number of fees. After the application is successfully submitted, a diary number will be created.
Formality Check
Once your application has been accepted, a formality check or examination will be carried to guarantee that the essential requirement of 2 copies of work is met. In case this check fails, the authority will give the applicant a notice that demands to fulfill the requirements.
Waiting Period
If your application passes through the second stage, then it will be free but will have a waiting period of 30 days for someone who might have any claims to be made against it. In case there is no further objection, the application can go ahead with further preparation on a first come first serve basis.
This step takes place if any objection is held on the copyright. In this case, a report will be assigned to both parties and a hearing will be held by the registrar. Both parties will get an equal chance to explain their side.
Registration Granted
In the final step of the copyright process, the application is sent to the registrar, who, if satisfied, will grant permission for the application and send extracts of it to the applicant. Once this happens, you have complete rights over your creation.
How to Register for Copyright Music?
The process of registration of a copyright for music is provided by the copyright rules that have been laid down by the Copyright Act, 1957. In order to register for a copyright music, Indian musicians have to fill a Form XIV which is the application form for copyright registration. The necessary documents for the registration of copyright is a No objection certificate from authors, lyricists or composers, if any, and all the other people associated with the music. This application can be posted to the Registrar or submitted online on the Indian Government’s Copyright website.
A notice should be provided to all individuals who may have an interest in the subject of the copyright. The registration process is complete only when the registrar is satisfied with the application and receives no objection against it within a period of 30 days. After the registrar accepts the application your music becomes copyrighted and is set apart from the free music.
Copyright Music for Indians
Now that we know what copyright music is, you must know that although this music cannot be used by just anyone for recreations or content, there are ways to use your favourite music even when it has copyrights. Copyright music for Indians that is available in the public domain can be used without any trouble. Another way of using copyright music is by obtaining a license that grants you the permission to do so.
How Beatoven Helps Indian Musicians?
Beatoven music is an AI based music creator tool that helps content creators to create original soundtracks for their content and is also a great place to find Royalty Free music. Along with helping content creators, Beatoven is also a helpful tool for new Indian Musicians who want to learn and create their own music as it allows them to create music and soundtracks with the help of an AI without much knowledge of music theory. By creating royalty free music in their initial days, new musicians get a wider reach for their art.